Thursday, 22 May 2014

Health and Safety

Curing and gelling agent- Curing and gelling agent are both poisonous and may cause allergic reactions. If the product is placed near the mouth it may cause severe damage. Protective clothing such as goggles and gloves must be worn when using the product and it must be used with care. If either of the products are spilt, it must be cleared up immediately with water and wipes which then must be disposed of. 
Fumes-  Inhaling fumes may cause intense  irritation to the nose and throat. Adequate ventilation must be used to remove ammonia fumes and a respirator mask must be worn to prevent any respiratory distress. 
Toxic vapours- During the curing process toxic vapours are given off which are poisonous and may harm a persons respiratory system. To avoid this happening a household cooker must not be used as it may poison oven cooked food. Food must not be eaten while the product is curing. 
Allergies-  Anyone working around the products in this process may get an allergic reaction if they have an allergy to a product. The allergy might be unknown so it is important to complete patch tests 24 hours before using a product such as latex, IPA, Pros-aide and Pro clean. Gloves and other protective clothing should be used. 
Flammable Products: A lot of chemicals used in this process are flammable such as foam latex. These products must be handled with care and be kept away from anything which may cause the products to set alight. Products should be used sensibly. 

Cuts- an open cut or wound may cause the spreading of germs or infection. To avoid this, open cuts must be covered up and worked around. Brushes must be cleaned before and after using them. 
Cross- Contamination- Cross contamination may cause germs to spread and may lead to harmful infection. This can be prevented by keeping a work station clean as well as cleaning brushes before and after using them. 
Food and Drink- Bacteria may spread if having food near the work station. Food and drink must be kept away from the work station and hands should be washed thoroughly after consuming any food or drink. Use mints or chewing gum after eating and before working on a model. Do not put food in the oven which is used to cure the foam latex. 
Personal hygiene- Make sure when working with products that your hands are frequently washed. Before working on a model hands should be washed and teeth should be clean to avoid bad breath. If one has just ate, use mints or chewing gum. Carry deodorant at all times in case throughout the day you sweat.

Spillages- If a product is spilt, this may cause someone to slip and fall. Someone may also come into contact with the product and may be allergic. To avoid this a spillage must be cleaned up immediately and people around must be warned that something has been spilt.    
Loose wires- Equipment with loose wires including and air brush compressor and a mixing machine may cause someone to trip over. Wires must always be pushed to the side when using them and people must be warned. When a product with a wire is not being used it should be cleared away. 
Equipment on the floor- Equipment on the floor such as chairs and bags may cause people to catch their feet and trip over. To avoid this, bags should be kept under the desk or in the cloak room and chairs as well as other products should be tucked away when not in use. 
Sharp products: Sharp products such as sculpting tools should be aware of at all times. If someone is to trip they could put there hand on a sharp product when trying to catch themselves. To avoid this when not in use the tools should be packed away and when in use should be handled with care. 

Loose wires- Equipment with loose wires including an air brush compressor and a mixing machine may cause someone to trip over. Wires must always be pushed to the side when using them and people must be warned. When a product with a wire is not being used it should be cleared away. 
Wet surfaces-  Wet surfaces can cause an electric shock if an electrical product comes into contact. It may also cause products to be damaged. To avoid this, a wet surface must be immediately cleared up.
Heated Equipment- Electrical equipment may overheat if left on and may burn people. People in the work area should be warned that the product is on when in use and when not in use the product should be turned off. 
Pat test- Electrical equipment such as an air brush compressor, a hair tong and the mixer should all be pat tested before use. If these products are not pat tested someone may get electrocuted by a damaged product which is not suitable for use.  

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