Sunday, 27 April 2014

Moulding Part One Evaluation

The next step in making a prosthetic facial appliance after casting the face, is the moulding part one process. This stage is done to add a wall round the edge of the positive so that the edge of the plaster is no longer jagged and sharp. By doing this step, clay when being sculpted can be blended smoothly on the outer part of the sculpt. This part of the process includes building a clay base around the cast, adding catalyst and tin silicone once mixed together, adding jesmonite, water and fibre glass matting, separating the positive from the negative, and finally pouring the plaster into the negative and separating it when dried.

During the demonstration of the moulding part one I took notes to ensure that when executed by myself it was done correctly as it can easily go wrong when each step is so specific. This showed organisation, listening and planning skills. Cutting up the fibre glass and having the correct amount of catalyst, tin silicone, jesmonite and water ready demonstrated preparation skills. As there was others in the class also carrying out this process, it was a chance to display our team work skills as we could point out to others if they had missed covering parts of their mould. By following each step correctly, the task was successful.

Once the jesmonite was dry, the positive was to be separated from the negative. This was done using a paint scrapper. The original face was then disposed of. The plaster was mixed with water and then poured into the silicone and burlap was added which was secured by the fibreglass matting and jesmonite. Once this hardened, I separated it from the negative to produce another positive, however a small area of the wall broke off. This was due to the plaster still being slightly warm. To fix this, I used Poly Filler  which secured the broken wall. This showed problem solving skills. If I was to complete this task again I would try to be more patient when waiting for tools and products to set. 

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